Thursday, February 19, 2009

i love malaysia???

hmm.. i wonder do i love the country so much.. even studyin a levels, im still takin malaysian studies. still hav to sit for msian studies test n do assignments for dis subject. actually im not sure why am i takin dis subject. it's juz a waste of time.

mayb i really looooovvvveeeee the country so much?? haha.. wat say u? i personally dun know the answer to dis ques xD.

1 comment:

  1. Love your country is you responsibility.. BUT, why you hesitate to love msia? cause you don't see the point to be in love with the land and ppl n culture.. When you want to lay your love into it, some experience in your will tell you it's not worth it to devote yourself to this country. It's them who stop you to love this most SPECIAL country. I deeply realised how we are treated by the nation after seeing so many friends from all around the world. We have to fight for our rights for everything, even we are 'considered' as the Msians (Chinese).. we never get fair and just chance and never heard the sincere voice from them that they appreciate what we have contributed to the country, and we are part of d Malaysian. NO reward to love the nation, so why must we do so? what we get is 'balik kampung' to where our ancestors came.

    Remember, we are not belongs to china or any other part of the world, we are malaysians.. So, fight, be sensitive and care more about your rights even though we always hate to be involved in politics, for survival sake.
